Leave the paperwork, follow up and the hassle of applying for a medical license to
our licensing consultants. We will professionally prepare your medical license
application and credential you for any of the U.S. medical boards
We offer a free initial consultation to determine your eligibility for a medical
license and an error-free money back guarantee.
Applying for a medical license can be a long, tedious and stressful experience
when it's not something you do every day. We assist you throughout the whole
licensing process. Free up your time for other priorities.
Our experience and expertise with the medical licensing process, knowledge of the
various board procedures, medical licensure requirements and excellent
relations with medical board personnel has taught us how to help you avoid
pitfalls. We coordinate the medical licensing process and complete it a lot
faster than you can.
What our medical license service will do for you:
- Determine your eligibility for a medical license.
- Estimate your licensing costs - Especially helpful when you're
applying to multiple states.
- We charge a one-time service fee per state for medical licensure
application service (no hidden, monthly or extra fees, and discounts are
available) which includes:
- Researching and preparing medical license application/s
- Ship completed application/s to you, generally within a couple days
- Send out board-required verification requests
- Follow up to make sure the right people receive and process them
- Provide continuous follow up and frequent board updates until
you're licensed. We follow up weekly, daily if necessary, to ensure
the timely delivery of credentials. That's it! Fast and easy. Your
practice manager will love us!
The time it takes to get a medical license:
The time will depend upon which state you choose, how quickly your application
and verifications reach the board, how complete your information is, how busy the
board is and how often the board meets. On average, our physicians are getting
licensed in many states in 4-6 weeks. However, because of high volume other
states take longer.
Some Examples...
Some medical boards, like the Medical Board of California, estimate that from
the time they receive your application it will take them 90 days just to review it.
However, several clients who've recently applied for a California medical license
received there first review letters in about six weeks. One client was recently
licensed within nine weeks. Traveling to California to do a Live Scan as opposed
to using fingerprint cards will reduce the time it takes for a background check to
come back. Live Scan results come back within days as opposed to months with
the cards.
California has in place an online application status check, which helps greatly
when it comes to determining what items have arrived and what items are missing.
They don't offer details, a notes section or a means to communicate with the
processor via that system though like Texas has. Verification items are followed up
with aggressively to make sure they've been sent to the board to expedite the
issuance of the license number.
One of the busiest boards is the Texas Medical Board. For awhile it was taking
up to a year for many doctors to get licensed there. The board has improved its
processes to keep up with and better serve their applicants. One way was to
reduce the amount of work experience to be verified from 10 years down to five.
Another is to allow applicants, that completed their post graduate training more
than five years ago, to submit copies of their completion certificates rather than
requiring the hospitals to complete a three page form. They've also added an
online communication system for applicants. The system provides detailed
explanations of any items required to process a physician licensure application,
and provides a message center where applicants and Board staff can exchange
The system, called Licensure Inquiry System of Texas (LIST), is available to all
physician licensure applicants. We recently assisted a physician who was licensed
in four and 1/2 months. Another physician's application was expedited and
approved in two months, because he'll be working in an under served area. Kudos
to Texas.
The Florida Board of Medicine usually takes approx. 30 days from the time they
receive the application to do an initial review. Florida is now permitting
administrative approval of applications that do not contain any "red flags." These
applicants are getting licensed a couple weeks after the initial review because
their files no longer have to go before the Board. Florida has also added an online
application status check.
The New Jersey State Board of Medical Examiner's procedure is to wait for
most third party verifications to arrive before the medical license application is
assigned to an analyst. Once the analyst reviews the file and finds it complete a
license is issued shortly afterwards. Two of our clients were recently licensed in
New Jersey within 6 weeks of submitting their applications to the board.
The Virginia Board of Medicine is another well organized and fast board when it
comes to licensing. One of our clients was recently licensed in Virginia within 4
weeks of submitting his application. The Virginia board has an organized mail
room and items are seldom lost reducing the need to re-request items during the
follow up process.
The Hawaii Medical Board is one of the more pleasant medical boards to work
with. "Aloha" is the greeting you receive when calling. Hawaii does not require
direct source verification of medical school and required postgraduate training as
long as the applicant has a copy of their medical school diploma and training
completion certificates. A medical license may be obtained in as little as 5 weeks in
some cases.
Many medical boards don't require medical license applications to sit and wait for
a monthly or quarterly board meeting unless there are issues such as malpractice
cases or disciplinary actions. These boards allow administrative approval. For
example, the following boards, once your application is complete, license
generally within a week or two; Connecticut Board of Medicine, Delaware
Board of Medical Examiners, Georgia Board of Medical Examiners, Illinois, Indiana
Medical Board, Maine Board of Licensure, Michigan Board of Medicine, New
Hampshire Board of Medicine, New York State Board of Medicine, Ohio State
Medical Board, Pennsylvania State Board of Medicine and Tennessee Board of
Medical Examiners.
In any case, we at Medical Licensing Direct continue providing follow-up service
for you until you're licensed. We follow up weekly, daily if necessary, to ensure
the timely delivery of credentials, so that you're licensed as quickly as possible.
Thank you for visiting us. Contact us today for more information. We're available
to assist you.
All Content and Intellectual Property is under Copyright Protection | Medical License Direct © 2017 Content subject to change. Revised January 2017.
Medical License Direct
Solution for your medical license needs.
"Medical License Direct Makes Medical License Application Process Easier for Physicians"
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for any additional information.

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For additional information regarding the privacy of your sensitive cardholder data, please read the Authorize.Net Privacy Policy
www.MedicalLicenseDirect.com is registered with the Authorize.Net Verified Merchant Seal program.

Happy Clients...
"Medical License Direct's services
were worth every penny of the cost,
and more. The staff at MLD were
courteous, professional and very
efficient, and really took the
headache out of this sometimes
painful process. Even more, they gave
very personalized attention to my
unique circumstances, and I really
felt like I had someone in my corner.
Thanks so much!"
~ Peter Troell, MD, Virginia in 3 1/2
"Excellent service. MLD was able to
penetrate the walls of the board to
get quick answers and speed up the
process. There is only one answer to
licensure - Medical License Direct."
~ Erik Smith, MD, New Jersey in 6
"Thanks a million! You were great. I
could not have got it together without
your help. Worth every penny." ~
Denis Tek, MD, Hawaii in 6 weeks
"MLD's application was easy, and I
was able to continue working rather
than toil over a cumbersome license
application. Thanks!"
~ Christopher Wolter, MD, Arizona in 6
"Thank you so much for your help.
Not only did you expedite but your
"hand holding" during time of doubt
was most valuable. I will be happy to
fill out the evaluation and recommend
you highly!!" ~ John Herbert, MD,
Washington, DC
"Kat Miller took care of everything for
me, and took the day to day worry and
hassle out of the application process.
This is a very worthwhile service."
~ Cheryl Wingate, MD, South Carolina
"MLD provided us with expertise and
know-how resulting in much faster
and less costly results. Their work
allowed our physicians to focus on
company objectives rather than
waste valuable time."
~Blaine Cole
"There are other services out there
that will, in the end, provide similar
results, but I found no other company
so committed to customer
satisfaction. The service was
consistently prompt and courteous
via email. They made the entire
process streamlined and simple, and
they managed to provide even better
results than I had anticipated." ~
Michael Brown, MD, New Jersey
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